Jackson Boel posted an update 6 months ago
A Lightweight 3 Wheel Stroller
This stroller is light and features an elegant minimalist design. It also comes with a few impressive extras like a ride-on board as well as car seat adapters for the Nuna Pipa/Maxi Cosi/Cybex and UPPAbaby Mesa infant car seats.
It has a height-adjustable handbar and a handbrake that is simple for…[Read more]
Jackson Boel posted an update 6 months ago
3 Wheeler Pushchairs From Birth
Suitable from birth, this stroller pushchair features large wheels for all-terrain that make it great for rougher terrain. Look out for ones that have a lockable front wheel, or can be used with second seats, buggy boards and car seats.
With solid frame and durable wheels, it’s perfect for outdoor…[Read more]
Jackson Boel posted an update 6 months ago
Choosing a 3 Wheeled Buggy
There are a lot of things to take into consideration when selecting the right buggy. Take into 3 wheeled pushchair of wheels and if it’s suitable for off-road use. Also how much space will it take up when folded?
Quinny, the company that introduced us to the eco-friendly 4-wheeled Upp XL and Go, has just…[Read more]
Jackson Boel became a registered member 6 months ago