• Niebuhr Kearney posted an update 6 months ago

    When 1% SGTP was provided, the zones of inhibition for Escherichia coli and Staphyloccocus aureus reached to 13.45 ± 0.94 mm and 13.76 ± 0.92 mm, respectively. Overall, the KGM/SGTP films showed great potential as bioactive packaging materials to extend food shelf life.Effect of fresh-cut procedure on the accumulation of GABA in carrots via γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt and polyamines degradation pathway was investigated. Results showed that fresh-cut processing enhanced glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity and expression levels of DcGAD1 and DcGAD2, while reduced GABA transaminase (GABA-T) activity and DcGABA-T1 expression level, which induced the more glutamate (Glu) conversion to GABA. Polyamines (PAs) in shredded carrots were significantly lower than the whole, due to the elevated activities of diamine oxidase (DAO), polyamine oxidase (PAO) and aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase (AMADH) and DcPAO expression level, which indicated that the polyamines degradation pathway was activated and more PAs were converted to GABA. These results suggested that fresh-cut procedure can induce the accumulation of GABA through activating GABA shunt and polyamines degradation pathway. Besides, fresh-cut processing treatment did not have much adverse effect on the organoleptic quality of carrots.

    The online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s13197-021-05039-y).

    The online version contains supplementary material available at (10.1007/s13197-021-05039-y).Increase in awareness of consumers and demand has led to the development of various fibre rich food products from different fiber source. In the present work novel roller milled fenugreek fiber rich fraction (FFRF) rich in galactomannans was used for the development of high fiber chapati. Farinograph water absorption and dough stability increased with increase in the addition of FFRF in blends. The creep measurement results showed reduction in the maximum creep compliance and viscoelastic compliance while the zero shear viscosity showed the increasing trend with the increase in the addition of FFRF. The pliability of chapatis significantly decreased on addition of FFRF. The sensory evaluation concluded that the chapati with 10% FFRF is acceptable. The shear force value of chapatis prepared from the control and WWF-FFRF blends were decreased as the storage time increased showing brittleness in the chapatis. The micrographs of an outer layer of chapati (crust) showed partially gelatinized starch. The crumb micrographs of the WWF-FFRF blends chapatis showed large and small starch granules coated with galactomannans gums, and this coating increased with increased addition of FFRF. The composition of 10% fenugreek fiber chapati contained higher amount of minerals, insoluble and soluble dietary fiber compared to that of control sample. The in vitro starch digestibility of formulated chapati showed significant decrease in the values.Fixed oil, the non-volatile fraction of oil from spices remains an unexplored entity. The study aimed to extract fixed oils from 13 Indian spices belonging to the Apiaceae and Lamiaceae family. Further fatty acid composition, antioxidant activities and phytochemical profile of the fixed oils was estimated. Among the studied spices, Ferula assa-foetida had the highest amount of fixed oil (19.93%). GC-MS profiling of the fixed oils showed palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and alpha-linolenic to be the major fatty acids. The study further identified fixed oils from Trachyspermum ammi L., Petroselinum crispum L., Ocimum basilicum L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. to be major source of protocatecheuic, 4,hydroxybenzoic, trans-cinnamic, myristein and trans-ferulic acid. R. officinalis, O. basilicum and Thymus vulgaris L. fixed oils also showed highest radical scavenging property. T. Cpd 20m mw vulgaris, Majorana hortensis Moench. and O. Basilicum fixed oils confirmed high amounts of α-, β + γ- and δ-tocopherol respectively. β-sitosterol was found to be the dominating phytosterol in all fixed oils. Principal component analysis revealed existence of variation among spice fixed oils concerning to their fixed oil composition. The study thus identifies spice fixed oils as a rich source of lipid soluble bioactive compounds that are of tremendous industrial and pharmaceutical importance.

    The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-021-05036-1.

    The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-021-05036-1.Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), an annual herbaceous plant in the Malvaceae family, has become a multifunctional crop in Malaysia due to its large number of industrial applications for its fibrous stem. Recently, its kenaf leaves that have high antioxidant properties are getting more attention to be developed into tea. Therefore, this research aims to determine the best brewing time and temperature based on the physical properties, antioxidant activities and sensory of kenaf leaves tea (KLT). The kenaf leaves powder which was infused in hot (80 °C or 100 °C; 5 min or 10 min) or cold water (room temperature; 60 min or 120 min) were analysed. Results demonstrated that the KLT brewed at 80 °C for 10 min and 100 °C for 10 min showed the highest antioxidant activities in most of the antioxidant analysis conducted. Moreover, the colour of cold-brewed KLT was much lighter than the hot-brewed KLT and the cold-brewed KLT (room temperature; 120 min) can likely be a new trend for the consumer since it contained high antioxidising capabilities. However, the pH, greenness, yellowness, sensory results in KLT were not affected significantly by both brewing time and temperature (p > 0.05). The antioxidant test was correlated positively with the phytochemical contents but insignificant relationship with most of the colour parameters. Overall, the optimum temperature and time for brewing KLT was 80 °C at 10 min because it saved energy and extracted the highest amount of antioxidants while retaining similar sensory taste with other brewing conditions.The objective of the study was to develop the oil blend with improved omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio (ω-6ω-3) with good oxidative and thermal stability. Flaxseed oil and palm olein were selected for the blending. Flaxseed oil is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid (ω-3 FA) but is oxidatively very unstable. Palm olein has low omega-6 fatty acid content and high thermal and oxidative stability. Blends containing various percent (v/v) of flaxseed oil and palm olein were prepared. Oxidative and thermal stability was determined by analyzing peroxide value, acid value, smoke point, % free fatty acids, para-Anisidine and TOTOX values. Nutritive quality was confirmed by determining fatty acid composition. Nine month storage stability of the blend containing highest flaxseed oil percentage was assessed in terms of peroxide and acid value and fatty acid composition. The biological effects were studied in THP-1 cell line as the effect on cell survival, FA uptake and inflammatory markers. The data indicates that, blending improved ω-6ω-3 ratio. Oxidative and thermal stability study, and nine month storage stability study suggested that palm olein imparted stability to the blend. Fatty acid profiles of the cells treated with these blends showed uptake of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ω-3 FA). These blends lowered inflammatory TNFα level without affecting cell survival. Thus, blending of flaxseed oil with palm olein may result in better health benefits owing to their improved nutritional and stability properties.The aim of the present study was to synthesize biodegradable starch nanoparticles (SNP’s) from a renewable source like barley starch and to characterize for morphological, crystalline, thermal, and rheological properties. Acid hydrolysis transformed A+V-type round or disc-shaped native starch (NS) granules with an average width of 10 µm and the average length of 22 µm into round or irregular shaped A-type SNP’s with an average size of 64 nm with the crystallinity enhanced from 41.75 to 48.08%. The zeta potential of NS and SNP’s was - 17.7 and - 21.4 nm, respectively, with the higher stability of SNP’s. The gelatinization temperature increased while melting decreased after nano conversion of barley starch. The storage and loss moduli of 12 and 15% suspension of SNP’s remained unchanged with a change in angular frequency (0.1-10 rad-s), which indicated a greater tendency to recover after deformation, while 20% SNP’s suspension behaved like a viscous fluid. The flow behavior test demonstrated a shear-thinning behavior of SNP’s suspension.The gel was prepared by thermal induction of egg yolk powder as raw material in this study. Firstly, the lipid component of egg yolk powder gel and the correlation between the gel strength of egg yolk powder and Texture Profile Analysis were analyzed, and then the changes of oxidation products. The method of principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the relationship between secondary oxidation products and fatty acids content. Moreover, Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to study the relationship between fatty acids, Phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), peroxide value (POV) in Egg Yolk Gel. Result indicated, Lipid content of egg yolk powder gel was lower than egg yolk powder, the gel strength was positively correlated with hardness, adhesion, viscosity and masticatory (p 

    The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-021-05027-2.

    The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-021-05027-2.A few million cubic tons of waste are generated annually as a result of coffee processing. As a beverage, coffee in itself is a rich source of melanoidins, phenolic compounds, and other phytonutrients which confer a wide range of health benefits. These wastes generated every year are usually discarded as landfill mass, mixed with animal fodder, or incinerated. Coffee wastes, due to their high content of tannins and caffeine, can degrade the soil quality and induce carcinogenicity when mixed with animal fodder. This review aims to identify the potential of coffee silver skin and spent coffee grounds, both generated as a result of the roasting process and instantization processes. Coffee husk and coffee flour are also well-known for their excellent bioactive roles. The proximate composition of coffee silverskin indicates a rich dietary fibre source and finds wide applications in bakery and other allied food products. This process could generate a value-added product and alleviate the disposing quality of remnant spent coffee grounds. Companies are exploring novel ideas of producing coffee flour obtained from drying and milling of coffee cherries for applications in day-to-day food products. Coffee and coffee waste combined with its high concentration of fibre, colorant pigments, and antioxidant compounds, has immense potential as a functional ingredient in food systems and needs to be explored further for its better utilization.Extending shelf-life of food, ensuring it is safe for consumers and meeting regulatory standards is the food industry’s governing principle. Food safety is an essential aspect of food processing. Spores-forming microbes such as Bacillus spp. and Clostridium spp. are problematic in the food industry because of their ability to form endospores and survive processing conditions. Hence, their germination in food poses a threat to both shelf-life and safety of food. This paper reports on the current state of supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (SF-CO2) application in the inactivation of spores-forming microbes in food. Unlike high hydrostatic pressure and thermal processes which struggle to deactivate and destroy spores, and if they do, it impacts adversely on the food nutritional and quality attributes. This technique is viable to inactivate spores and maintain the foods structural and nutritional characteristics. The mechanisms of inactivation can be grouped into (1) release of cellular content due to rupture of the cell wall, coat and cortex, and disruption of membranes, (2) degradation of proteins as a result of interaction with permeated and penetrated SF-CO2 and (3) deactivation of enzymatic activities.

2025©جميع الحقوق محفوطة لصاح شبكة وصل 

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