• Dawson Stevens posted an update 6 months ago

    Syncope usually lasts less than a minute, in which short time arterial blood pressure temporarily falls enough to decrease brain perfusion so much that loss of consciousness ensues. Blood pressure decreases quickest when the heart suddenly stops pumping, which happens in arrhythmia and in severe cardioinhibitory reflex syncope. Loss of consciousness starts about 8 s after the last heart beat and circulatory standstill occurs after 10-15 s. A much slower blood pressure decrease can occur in syncope due to orthostatic hypotension Standing blood pressure can then stabilize at low values often causing more subtle signs (i.e., inability to act) but often not low enough to cause loss of consciousness. Cerebral autoregulation attempts to keep cerebral blood flow constant when blood pressure decreases. In reflex syncope both the quick blood pressure decrease and its low absolute value mean that cerebral autoregulation cannot prevent syncope. It has more protective value in orthostatic hypotension. Neurological signs are related to the severity and timing of cerebral hypoperfusion. Several unanswered pathophysiological questions with possible clinical implications are identified. Copyright © 2020 van Dijk, van Rossum and Thijs.Several ongoing international efforts are developing methods of localizing single cells within organs or mapping the entire human body at the single cell level, including the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Human Cell Atlas (HCA), and the Knut and Allice Wallenberg Foundation’s Human Protein Atlas (HPA), and the National Institutes of Health’s Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). Their goals are to understand cell specialization, interactions, spatial organization in their natural context, and ultimately the function of every cell within the body. In the same way that the Human Genome Project had to assemble sequence data from different people to construct a complete sequence, multiple centers around the world are collecting tissue specimens from diverse populations that vary in age, race, sex, and body size. A challenge will be combining these heterogeneous tissue samples into a 3D reference map that will enable multiscale, multidimensional Google Maps-like exploration of the human body. Key to making alignment of tissue samples work is identifying and using a coordinate system called a Common Coordinate Framework (CCF), which defines the positions, or “addresses,” in a reference body, from whole organs down to functional tissue units and individual cells. In this perspective, we examine the concept of a CCF based on the vasculature and describe why it would be an attractive choice for mapping the human body. Copyright © 2020 Weber, Ju and Börner.Peritoneal dialysis (PD) confers many advantages, including a better quality of life for children with end-stage renal disease; however, the procedure is associated with several complications, including pleuroperitoneal leaks. Here, we report an unusual case of hydrothorax caused by long-term PD in a child, which was further complicated by pneumonia. A 9-year-old boy who had received CAPD for 22 months presented with dyspnea, swelling, and increased body weight. Chest tube drainage yielded 500 mL of transudative fluid. Computed tomography peritoneography revealed increased outflow from the peritoneum to the pleural cavity. PD was suspended, and hemodialysis (HD) was initiated. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery was performed; however, because the patient had pneumonia during hospitalization, pleural adhesions with a septated appearance occurred. This resulted in difficulties identifying pleuroperitoneal fistula (PPF). Right pleural effusion resolved following pleurodesis using bleomycin. Regular HD was performed for 10 weeks, and PD was subsequently reinitiated. There was no recurrence of hydrothorax during long-term follow-up. We suspect that the underlying mechanism of hydrothorax in our patient was associated with a PPF that formed either due to a congenital diaphragmatic defect or an acquired defect, resulting in dialysate leakage. Our case demonstrates that a temporary switch from PD to HD, accompanied by pleurodesis, may help resolve hydrothorax that occurs as a complication of long-term PD. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Tolvaptan, a vasopressin V, respectively, after the 9-year therapy period. RMC-4550 in vitro In addition, the rate of TKV increase was gradual, 2.4 and 4.7%, respectively, per year during the initial 3-year period, to 6.5 and 12.5%, respectively, per year in the following 6-year period. During the 9 years of treatment, neither patient showed tolvaptan-related adverse events. Our findings suggest that long-term administration of tolvaptan at a high dose is both safe and effective to preserve kidney function, though a gradual increase in TKV was seen in both of the present cases, particularly during the later phase. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Introduction Psychiatric disorders, especially anxiety, are considered extraintestinal manifestations of celiac disease (CD). Objective This study aims to evaluate the level of anxiety in treated patients with CD in Iran. Methods A total of 283 CD patients (190 female, 93 male) were enrolled in a study during 2016-2018 from 9 centers in Iran. The Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale questionnaire was completed. The anxiety index was calculated. Also, demographic data and the duration of treatment with a gluten-free diet (GFD) were recorded. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 20. Results Anxiety symptoms were reported in 67.8% of patients. Female patients had a higher anxiety index than male patients. Duration of treatment with a GFD did not influence the anxiety index (17.3% were on a GFD for 2 years; p = 0.86). Conclusions These results suggest that anxiety symptoms are common among patients, especially females, with CD in Iran and GFD duration has no effect on their improvement. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Background The number of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients is increasing in Japan and other countries. Selective depletion of myeloid lineage leucocytes by adsorptive granulocyte and monocyte apheresis (GMA) with an Adacolumn (JIMRO, Takasaki, Japan) was introduced as a nonpharmacologic treatment strategy in UC patients in 2000. GMA has been reported to be effective in clinical trials; however, the effect of concomitant prednisolone (PSL) on GMA needs to be clarified. Methods Thirty-nine patients with active UC were treated with GMA at our institute between June 2009 and September 2018. All patients received GMA therapy once or twice a week with the Adacolumn. Conventional medication was to be continued during the whole GMA treatment course. The clinical response was retrospectively evaluated. Results According to the partial Mayo score, remission was 33.3%, significant efficacy 25.6%, effective 25.6%, and no response 15.4%. The average partial Mayo score was 6.2 ± 1.4 at entry and significantly declined to 1.8 ± 1.8 after GMA sessions (p less then 0.0001). The average number of bowel movements was 9.5 ± 5.6 at entry and significantly declined to 3.0 ± 2.8 after GMA sessions (p less then 0.0001). In a comparison between the group treated with concomitant PSL and the group without PSL, the change in partial Mayo score or the number of bowel movements from entry to after GMA sessions was not significantly different. Among 24 patients treated by GMA with concomitant PSL, 75% (18/24) became steroid free. Conclusions The effect of GMA with concomitant PSL and that of GMA without PSL were not different, and GMA was effective irrespective of PSL administration. The present study showed that GMA had efficacy and led many UC patients treated by PSL to be steroid free with no safety concern in the real world, although there is the possibility of recruitment bias due to the retrospective nature of the study. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Background and Aim The prevalence of ulcerative colitis has increased in Asian populations in recent years. This Japanese internet survey investigated the symptoms, impact, and treatment of ulcerative colitis, and communication between patients and medical professionals. Methods This was a non-interventional analysis of responses from participants with ulcerative colitis who had regularly visited medical providers for their disease in the past year. Results In 501 evaluable participants, the mean age was 39.8 years and mean disease duration was 7.6 years. Ulcerative colitis had a “significant impact” on daily life in 43.5% of participants who experienced bowel urgency and 48.6% who experienced bowel incontinence. Although the prevalence of bowel urgency and bowel incontinence was associated with higher stool frequency and rectal bleeding scores (p value for trend less then 0.0001), they still existed even in patients without frequent stools or rectal bleeding. Around 30% of participants hesitated to discuss symptoms such as bowel incontinence with a medical professional. Approximately three-quarters preferred to use websites for medical information. Most participants (78.0%) had used topical treatments. However, 25.7% were hesitant to use such treatments due to concerns about discomfort (48.1%) and administration difficulty (47.3%). Conclusions Ulcerative colitis significantly affects daily life, largely due to symptoms such as bowel urgency and bowel incontinence. Despite desiring to improve bowel incontinence, patients are embarrassed to consult physicians or nurses. Therefore, medical professionals should make an active effort to draw out patients’ individual concerns, including symptoms that patients may not initially feel able to talk about openly. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Introduction There are no specific standards for the timing of surgery to treat ulcerative colitis, so reaching a decision on timing is often difficult. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the timing of surgery from the patients’ perspective. Methods From among 203 patients who underwent restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis to treat ulcerative colitis at our hospital from 1985 to 2013, we mailed a questionnaire to 101 of those who are currently attending periodic follow-up at our hospital. Results We analyzed 72 valid responses (71.2%). Overall, 65 patients (90.3%) responded that they were happy that they underwent surgery, 38 patients (52.8%) responded that the timing of surgery was appropriate, and 32 patients (44.4%) responded that they would have preferred to have had surgery earlier. The group of patients who would have preferred to have had surgery earlier included 23 patients (71.9%) who had undergone emergency surgery; the incidence of emergency surgery was significantly higher than in the group of 13 patients (34.2%) who had responded that the timing of surgery was appropriate (p = 0.002). Scores on the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF36), which reflect postoperative quality of life, were maintained at the same level as the Japanese standard values in our Japanese patients. Conclusion The degree of satisfaction of patients who underwent surgery for ulcerative colitis was favorable, although it is important to consider surgery at an earlier stage in patients who may need emergency surgery. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.

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